Description and Scope
Every year, the ICT Rolling Plan is developed and released with the support of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation (MSP). The Rolling Plan plays a critical role in providing an overarching overview of standardisation activities in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the context of European legislation and policies as well as for understanding priorities for the Digital Single Market.
Every year the Rolling Plan is updated and extended to adequately reflect new EU policies and arising technologies with the support of an experienced group of individuals and contributions from policy members. (e.g. 4 new chapters were added in the 2019 edition).The most relevant domains are included as eHealth, Cloud Computing, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Cybersecurity, Accessibility, Internet of Things, eGovernment, Smart grids and many others.
This Webinar will feature European Commission representatives from the ICT Sector for Standardisation, Policy Officers and personalities that actively contributed to the creation of the new 2020 Rolling Plan (as the MSP Chairman).
The main objectives of the Webinar will be:
- Provide an explanation of the overall structure and function of the Rolling Plan.
- Introduce new items and technological domains tackled in the coming release.
- Demonstrate how a proper definition of ICT Standards can enable industry to optimise its production, support consumers to make better informed decisions and helps public services to offer better digital and efficient services to citizens.
- Show how StandICT.eu reflected and monitored the Rolling Plan’s priority areas.
Main Takeaways
- Better understand of the role and purpose of the European Multi-Stakeholder Platform.
- Discover the benefits of Standardised DATA/HPC services for Earth Sciences.
- Keep abreadth to the most significant European ICT fields in need of Standardisation.
- The crucial link between European legislation and policies and ICT standards to ensure important technological requirements for privacy, security and accessibility.
- The tangible impact of StandICT.eu participants on key-pillars of the Rolling Plan arena.
Who should attend
- ICT Specialists and Professionals under the main Digital Single Market domains
- Standard Developing Organisations representatives
- Members of Research Institutes working in ICT Standard Development
- Representative of National Standards Associations
15.30 - 15.40 - Silvana Muscella, Project Coordinator & CEO of Trust-IT Services - “StandICT.eu and Rolling Plan: a common path to support ICT Standards development”
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15.40 - 15.50 - Thomas Reibe, EC Senior Expert & StandICT.eu Project Officer - “The ICT Rolling Plan: overall structure and main purpose”
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15.50 - 16.00 - Emilio Davila-Gonzalez, EC Head of Sector ICT Standardisation - “ICT Rolling Plan: what’s new in 2020”
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16.00 - 16.10 - Jochen Friedrich, MSP Chair & Technical Relations Executive at IBM - “Keeping the Plan Rolling - The making and implementation of the EU Rolling Plan on ICT Standardisation”
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16:10 - 16:20 - Brian McAuliffe, ISO/IEC JTC1 Liaison Officer to the EC;- “The ICT Rolling Plan: Keeping European and International ICT standards in sync”
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16:10 - 16:15 - Francesco Osimanti, StandICT.eu Vice-Coordinator & Digital Specialist - “Impact on ICT key-technologies domains: introduction of StandICT.eu Final Impact Report”
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16:15 - 16:25 - Constant Kohler, Cen Cenelec ICT Standardisation Programme Manager - “Linking ICT standards and European policies: the role of European standardisation”
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16:25 - 16:30 - Closure - Q&A
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Silvana Muscella is CEO & founder of Trust-IT Services & CEO & co-founder of COMMpla. She tackles high-level strategy building, business acquisition, coordination & strategic marketing and communication developments namely in ICT in standards, energy efficiency, cybersecurity & cloud computing tools & services. High-Level Expert Group Chair of the HLEG EOSC -European Open Science Cloud [2017-2018]. |
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Thomas Reibe is a EC Senior Expert at DG CONNECT and Project Officer of the StandICT.eu initiative. He is in charge of the coordination of ICT standardisation activities for bridging the gap between research and standardisation, EU regulation related to standardisation, standards supporting EU policies and international cooperation for ICT standardisation. |
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Emilio Davila-Gonzalez is Head of Sector ICT Standardisation at European Commission DG CONNECT. He manages the Coordination of ICT Standardisation policy in DG CONNECT and the liaison with European & International Standardisation Developing Organisations. |
Jochen Friedrich is a member of IBM’s Technical Relations Europe team which is part of the IBM standards and open source strategy organization. In addition, Jochen is a member of a regional board of the German Association of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (VDE), he was a foundational Board member of the Enterprise Interoperability Centre (EIC) and holds lead roles in European industry associations. | |
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Brian McAuliffe is Standards Strategy & Policy at HP Inc. & ISO/IEC JTC 1 Liason Officer to the European Commission. He is active in ISO/IEC JTC 1, the technical committee responsible for international standardisation in information technology, covering topics such as IoT, AI, Cybersecurity and 3D Printing. Brian also represent ISO on the EU's Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT standardisation. |
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Francesco Osimanti is a Marketing Specialist & Digital Copywriter. He is in charge for the development of Communication and Dissemination Strategies for a wide array of clients with special focus on content creation and on-site SEO. He is currently actively involved in Trust-IT on European funded projects on communication and dissemination focused within the areas of cybersecurity and privacy and ICT Standards. |
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Constant Kohler is a Programme Manager in charge of ICT standardization at CEN and CENELEC (The European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization is officially responsible for standardization in the electrotechnical fied), with a special focus on Cybersecurity, AI, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies. |