Digital Excellence Forum @ ICT Proposers' Day 2019
The ICT Proposers’ Day event will provide an excellent opportunity to present and discuss the main policy drivers of the digital transformation of European industry and society and how the EU research and innovation agenda can best contribute to these objectives. The event will also present the Horizon 2020 Work Programme, and serve as a unique networking platform for ICT enthusiasts and professionals.
The Digital Excellence Forum will start with a plenary debate on “Partnering for Digital Excellence”. Partnerships are a strategic implementation mechanism to align research agendas, leverage investments at European and National levels, and mobilise private co-investment from industry. This plenary session will be an opportunity to listen to European leaders debating about key challenges that Europe will face in the coming decade and how European programmes catalyse investments in shared R&I goals.
The event will have a separate track of open dialogue sessions on the upcoming Digital Europe Programme, which main objective is to boost Europe's sustainable digital transformation for the benefit of citizens and businesses. These sessions will provide a unique opportunity for participants to get an insight of the Commission proposal for the first two years of the programme and to share their views and ideas for programme investments focus in the next two years.
ICT Proposers’ Day 2019 tracks will focus on the upcoming calls of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme in the field of Information & Communication Technologies, Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), and Societal Challenges. The event will offer an exceptional opportunity to build quality partnerships with academics, researchers, industrial stakeholders, SMEs and government actors from all over Europe.
StandICT showcasing results during the session “Standards for innovation, Standard Watch and funding of standardisation experts” on 20th Sept - 15:40
The session will outline the call text ICT-45-2020 "Reinforcing European presence in international ICT standardisation: Standardisation Observatory and Support Facility" with the following intervention:
- Overview of the call topic ICT-45-2020
- The StandICT.eu project achievements and best practices (the call text ICT-45-2020 specifically mentioned: “The proposal should take into account the previous activities carried out on the observatory and facilityies for funding experts within the topic ICT-40-2017 implemented by the StandICT.eu project under.)
- The CEN/CENELEC helpdesk for proposers addressing standardisation components in their proposal (this is for all proposals addressing standarisation)
- The ETSI helpdesk for proposers addressing standardisation components in their proposal (this is for all proposals addressing standarisation)
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ICT Proposer's Day PROGRAMME
Messukeskus Center, Southern Entrance
Messuaukio 1, 00520 Helsinki, Finland