Smart Applications REFerence Ontology (SAREF) - The Open Portal
The SAREF family of standards enable interoperability between solutions from different providers and among various activity sectors in the Internet of Things (IoT) and therefore contribute to the development of the global digital market. These standards are designed to run on top of the oneM2M system, the global IoT partnership project of which ETSI is a founding partner. OneM2M provides the communication and interworking framework to share the data among applications; SAREF provides the semantic interoperability necessary to share the information carried by the data.
SAREF is a standardization success story & advanced proposal that is on a Smart Applications REFenrece Onlogy (SAREF) with many already existing mapping, paving the way to future mappings that are today missing. ETSI is just putting in place (completion planned in 2020) an open portal (similar to GitHub) to allow domain end users to contribute to the SAREF mapping in their domain, we already use it for Energy, Industrry & Manufacturing, Buildings, Environment, Agriculture and Food, Smart City, Water, Wearbles, eHealth.
Concerning Smart Appliances SAREF extension investigation in the energy domain, direct inputs from EEBus and Energy@home have been included in SmartM2M developments where Energy, Environment and Building sectors are now part of normative work.