The European Union Blockchain Observatory & Forum has set as one of its objectives the analysis of and reporting on a wide range of important blockchain themes, driven by the priorities of the European Commission and based on input from its Working Groups and other stakeholders. As part of this it will publish a series of thematic reports on selected blockchain-related topics. The objective of these thematic reports is to provide a concise, easily readable overview and exploration of each theme suitable for the general public. The input of a number of different stakeholders and sources is considered for each report. For this paper, these include:
- Members of the Observatory & Forum’s Working Groups as well as the Observatory's Digital Assets Sub-Working Group (please see next page).
- "Blockchains and Digital Assets“, by Luis-Daniel Ibáñez, Michał R. Hoffman, Taufiq Choudhry School, from the University of Southampton, academic partner of the EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum.
- Input from participants at the “Digital Assets“ workshop held in Brussels on 24 May 2019.
- Input from the Secretariat of the EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum (which includes members of the DG CONNECT of the European Commission and members of ConsenSys)
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