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SCOPE | This document defines a comprehensive set of evaluation indicators specially related to information and communication technologies (ICT) adoption and usage in smart cities. Firstly, this document establishes an overall framework for all the indicators. Then, this document specifies the name, description, classification and measure method for each indicator. Source: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:30146:dis:ed-2:v1:en |
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Submitted by Christophe COLINET on Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:45
Looking at this draft position paper, I would like to share two comments: 1- The bibliography doesn't mention any existing works on Smart city indicators driven by ITU or ETSI. This particular topic is already dealt by the ITU-T FG-SSC, and a publication named "Key performance indicators related to the use of information and communication technology in smart sustainable cities" is available since 03/2015. ETSI also published the TS 103 463 in july 2017: https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/103400_103499/103463/01.01.01_60/ts_103463v010101p.pdf This TS based on H2020 CSA projects, refers to previously published documentation like, for example, ISO 37120. 2- You can't access to the full content of the publication as far as you didn't pay for it. Unable to give comments on the full content.
Submitted by Tuomas Nurmela on Sat, 07/20/2019 - 15:58
While not a member of the ISO JTC1 study group on smart cities or a long time partcipant to WG11, my understanding was that this document was "handed" to WG11 in WG conception as a work item to finish. This view is to an extent supported by the referred standards, which are in ISO TC 268 (sustainable cities and communities, which has e.g. sub-committee 1 "Smart city infrastructures", AFAIK covering all types of infrastructure on high level). As this standard (Smart city ICT indicators) is currently in FDIS phase (text was registered 1.7.2019), I would assume it is available via national body (assuming membership as participant or observing NB). Given that the conceptual framework document in WG11 is still in earlier stage of development (30145 part 1-3, a framework standard covering business process, knowledge and engineering perspectives to smart city (ICT)), I'm not sure if there is possible future alignment issues to tackle. With respect to earlier comment on ITU-T and ETSI, while not very familiar with the relationship / handling of these, the ITU-T is a Focus Group (FG), and AFAIK FG's do not publish standards but reports. Still, hopefully it was considered in development. ETSI technical specification is ofcourse limited in geographic scope, but again, hopeful it was considered. Have not made a cross-check between the two, in terms of e.g. content scope differences and content overlap/differences.
Submitted by Tuomas Nurmela on Sat, 07/20/2019 - 16:04
While not participant to the ISO JTC1 SG smart cities work prior WG11 (who owns this now) and not a long time participant to WG11 work, my understanding was that this standard was "handed" over to WG11 in WG conception and is not fully developed there. This would be supported by referenced standards, which are ISO 268 (sustainable cities and communities) standards. Given there is no terminology standard and WG11 is working on a framework (30145 part 1-3), there could be further alingment issues in the future. Wrt referenced standards, while again not very familar with these, ITU-T publication is from a focus group (FG), which AFAIK publish reports, not standards. Of course hoping this was considered in development. ETSI TS of course has different scope, yet again hopefully considered. I have not cross-checked wrt overlaps or differences. In terms of access, the standard is in FDIS (text registered 1.7.2019) and as such should be available from national body, assuming status is participating or observing.