Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies -- Privacy and personally identifiable information protection considerations

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ISO/DTR 23244

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies -- Privacy and personally identifiable information protection considerations


35.030 IT Security
35.240.99 IT applications in other fields
35.240.40 IT applications in banking

Under development

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  • Christophe Ozcan's picture

    Submitted by Christophe Ozcan on Tue, 06/25/2019 - 17:57

    This document provides an overview of the issues and practical concerns related to privacy and personally identifiable information (PII) protection in the context of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies and their applications. Privacy and PII protection issues are widely considered as a major barrier for the adoption of DLT-based solutions. This document identifies and assesses known privacy-related risks and the way to mitigate them, as well as privacy-enhancing potential of blockchain and distributed ledger technology. The current stage of the document is under development which involves experts to contribute or comment on the proposal for a 8-week internal committee ballot (DTR).

  • Christophe Ozcan's picture

    Submitted by Christophe Ozcan on Tue, 06/25/2019 - 18:08

    This document defines basic terms relating blockchain and distributed ledger technologies to clarify the meaning of terms and concepts used in other document within the domain of ISO TC307 standards. This standard follows rules and guidelines by ISO TC37 – Language and terminology to build terminology standards. It's intended to provide TC307 standards developers with definitions of key terms relating to blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Any standard published after the publication of this standard therefore should use terms in a manner consistent with the definitions of this standard. The current stage of this document is under ballot after taking account the first ballot result early 2019 which pointed out more than 100 comments to resolve befor the next voting phase scheduled in the coming weeks.


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