Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies

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ISO/NP TS 23635

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies


Guidelines for governance

Under development

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  • paolocampegiani's picture

    Submitted by paolocampegiani on Thu, 07/04/2019 - 16:47

    Blockchains are a fast moving target, where new technologies (e.g. consensus models, privacy aware techniques) and different relevant regulatory commitments (e.g. GDPR and blockchain, integration with eIDAS, role with the NIS Directive) are still under heavy research and appear on the market on almost a daily basis. The relative abundance on the supply side is not yet matched on the demand side, as many end users have chosen a more prudent approach, yet unsure to move from some initial experiments to a full-scale, production-ready systems. Governance of blockchains is essential to foster the adoption of blockchain, as it should define a set of common guidelines and rules in order to provide a strategic, long-term view of blockchain technology and its implications for companies, corporates and governments.


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