ITS Working Group 4: Media and Medium

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ITS Working Group 4: Media and Medium


Working Group 4 shall encompass ITS standardization on OSI model layers 1 and 2 including the management of these layers. WG 4 may have subgroups for each of the core subject areas.

Core subject areas currently identified are:

  • ERM Liaison/participation with regard to ERM scoped issues. WG 4 is the responsible group inside TC ITS for the development of ETSI system reference documents for ITS 
  • 5 GHz 
  • 60 GHz 
  • Infra-red CEN RTTT DSRC 
  • ISO CALM (21212 and 21213) 2G / 3G

WG 4 may have joint meetings with TC ERM TG37 and liaise on media related subjects to TC ERM TG37 directly. 


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  • mw-nty's picture

    Submitted by mw-nty on Tue, 07/16/2019 - 16:46

    Title should read ITS-WG4


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