SA6 SP-181136

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3GPP Study on Mission Critical services support over 5G System   

SA6 SP-181136


This 3GPP SA6 study item (SID) for Release 16 is aimed at identifying the impacts on and the necessary changes in Stage 2 (5G phase 2) for mission critical specifications to ensure support over 5G System (5GS). 

The main goals are: 

  • Identify subclauses in the existing stage 2 Mission Critical specifications that should also apply to the 5GS, but which currently contain 4G specific terminology and therefore would require terminology changes.
  • Develop a common approach (e.g. terminology) for changes in stage 2 Mission Critical specifications that apply to the 5GS.
  • Review and identify the 5GS aspects (e.g. 5QI, network slicing) to support Mission Critical architecture.
  • Identify key issues and develop solutions to ensure support of Mission Critical services over 5GS.
  • Evaluate the solutions and make recommendations for normative work.
  • Study where and how to integrate solutions in the stage 2 Mission Critical specifications.

Gap filling and evolutions: 3GPP has developed the 5G System (5GS) specifications from Release 15. Further work in Release 16 is based on input from 3GPP SA1, with TSG SA#78 confirming that the stage 1 Mission Critical (MC) specifications are applicable to LTE and beyond, including 5G (SP-170985). 

  • The rapporteur for this SID is The Police of the Netherlands. Supporting Individual Members (SIMs) include the UK Home Office, FirstNet (U.S.), the French Ministry of the Interior, associations such as the International Rail Union (UIC) and Public Safety Communications Europe (PSCE), as well as EU and global supply-side companies. 



Under development

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  • chapi's picture

    Submitted by chapi on Fri, 07/26/2019 - 09:23

    To deliver Mission Critical Services, it is important that the 5G network operates on the basis of the paradigm of Autonomic Management and Control (AMC) of Network Services such as Slices. AMC is about Closed-Loop Operations of the Network, by which AMC software is introduced to dynamically (re)-configure network elements and provision resources so as to cope with increase in workloads and optimize capacity (compute power, network connectivity paths, network functions, and storage) and latency, reactively and proactively in response to manifestations or predictions of faults, failures and performance degradations. Standards for AMC are now emerging and should be considered in the introduction of AMC in 5G Architectures. ETSI TS 103 195-2 is a good standard on AMC concepts and principles and also covers the subject of coordination of the so-called autonomic functions (Decision-making-Elements (DEs) and achieving stability of control-loops in the ETSI GANA Model as a Multi-Layer AMC and AI reference Model.


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